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Positive Affirmations

Feb 26, 2024

Positive affirmations are powerful statements that help us overcome negative thoughts and beliefs by replacing them with positive, empowering statements. By using positive affirmations you can reprogram your subconscious mind and create a more fulfilling life. 


Here are a few tips and tricks that make using positive affirmations work:

  1. Create them in the present tense. 
  2. Have the statements resonate to you. 
  3. Repeat them to yourself with a strong belief and energy that ensures they come true. 
  4. Keep them visible. Post them on your door, mirror, or as your phone wall paper. Every time you read them it starts to reprogram our minds. 


As your baby grows and you move through pregnancy and postpartum, we have a wide range of emotions that fluctuate very easily. Use positive affirmations to stay grounded, connect to to your truth, and focus your mind. 


Here are some positive affirmations for you. Take with you what resonates :)



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