
Just Breathe accessibleyoga breath pranyama yoga Nov 04, 2024

Breath in yoga is known as pranayama in sanskrit or “Life force”. 



Slowing down and noticing our breath at the beginning of practice allows us to find that mind-body connection. It allows us to be present in the moment, and to refocus our thoughts as they come back...

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Self Care Summer selfcare summer yoga Jul 02, 2024

Welcome to the Summer of Self Care

Where you put yourself first, find the joy, glimmers, gratitudes in the little moments, do what you love, spend time how you want and with who you want. It’s being authentically YOU. Because when we show up for ourselves, we better show up for others. And...

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My yoga story. community motherhoodmvmt yoga Feb 21, 2024


My story with yoga began almost 20 years ago. I was looking for a way to support my active lifestyle as a teenager. I found a Yogalates class that was being run out of a shoe store, and it was at that time I became hooked. But let me tell you, the way yoga has weaved into my life did not...

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5 Yoga Poses to find space in your body and flip a breech baby breechbaby prenatal prenatalyoga yoga Jan 19, 2024

Over the past couple months, I have had more than one prenatal mother going through the experience of their baby being breech. A breech baby is when the baby is essentially upside down, their feet or bottom are positioned at the bottom of the uterus. If you are experiencing this, I want you to...

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Physical Literacy Game

Download and print a physical literacy game to play with your children. All you need to do is print, cut out the squares, and place them around your home. Go from square to square to complete each action on the card, building fundamental movement exercises for everyone. 

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